Our Impact
The construction industry accounts for up to 40% of CO₂ emissions. The EnviroBuild philosophy is to make a significant environmental impact through a pragmatic approach to business.
We hope to achieve our goals through incremental improvements in commercially viable building materials, ensuring our products are best in class for environmental footprint and product quality.
We have already made measurable gains over traditional building materials through the use of recycled materials, reducing material input, moving manufacturing to be powered by renewable energy and improving the end recyclability of products and packaging.
Since EnviroBuild was founded we have donated 10% of our profits to sustainable charities that look to maximise the protection of primary rainforest and biodiversity.
Life Cycle Analysis
A Life Cycle Analysis or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the process of assessing environmental impact throughout all stages of the life cycle of a product. From raw material extraction and processing to distribution and recycling/disposal.
As a business we are conducting full product Life Cycle Analysis to understand the true impact of our products and from this, identify the best way in which they can be improved.
Environmental Product Declaration
An EPD is generated based on data obtained through Life Cycle Analysis, allowing us to demonstrate a quantifiable environmental impact of our products.
For more information read our full Hyperion composite EPD.

Where we've donated
Under our pledge, EnviroBuild donates 10% of profits to sustainable causes to protect biodiversity and help become a carbon negative business.
Since EnviroBuild was founded, we have donated towards a wide variety of projects, with 100% of all donations going directly to the project on the ground.
EnviroBuild’s environmental values are at the heart of the business; protecting vast areas of valuable landscape, which consequently protect us, alongside every living organism.
Sustainability Projects
supported by our pledge
>250,000 acres
of rainforest conserved
with Rainforest Trust
around the world
Last stand for the Sumatran Rainforests

Location: Northern Sumatra
Area: 184,795 acres conserved
Threats: Aggressive oil-palm expansion, deforestation, poaching
Area: 184,795 acres conserved
Threats: Aggressive oil-palm expansion, deforestation, poaching
The vast majority of Sumatra’s rainforests have been rampantly destroyed for growing swaths of oil palm and rubber plantations. With the growing demand what little forest remains is highly susceptible to deforestation for expanding plantations. The Leuser Ecosystem is the largest surviving block of Sumatran rainforest, this tropical wilderness is the last place on Earth where the Critically Endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros, Sumatran Orangutan, Sumatran Elephant and last 400 Sumatran Tiger are all found within one ecosystem.
Securing a missing link in the Amazon

Location: Güeppi, Peru
Area: 1,338,520 acres conserved
Threats: Illegal logging, oil exploitation, agricultural encroachment
Area: 1,338,520 acres conserved
Threats: Illegal logging, oil exploitation, agricultural encroachment
Home to the world’s largest tropical rainforest on Earth, the Amazon is legendary for its biodiversity that contains millions of species. However, during the past few decades nearly 20% of lush forest has been lost, removing a staggering amount of habitat for the area’s unique wildlife. Rainforest Trust and local partner Center for the Development of Indigenous Amazon (CEDIA) are working to protect the missing link to create a 7.8 million-acre tri-national corridor safeguarding a massive swath of critical Amazon rainforest.
Critical land purchase for the Glittering Starfrontlet

Location: The ecotone between Colombia's Chocó hostpot and Andean hotspot
Area: 2,332 acres conserved
Threats: Unsustainable logging, gold-mining and cattle production
Area: 2,332 acres conserved
Threats: Unsustainable logging, gold-mining and cattle production
The ecotone between Colombia’s Chocó and Andean hotspots contains one of the highest concentrations of range-restricted biodiversity in the world. Until recently, this area’s natural wealth remained largely unexplored as it was at the epicenter of a five-decade-long civil war that prevented the exploitation of its resources. However, after two years of peace between the government and Colombia’s largest guerrilla group, deforestation rates in the country have skyrocketed, leading to the fastest accelerating forest destruction worldwide. With no controls against colonization, the headwaters of the Atrato are at grave risk. It is urgent that this land is purchased before its unique habitat is destroyed.
Creating Côte d’Ivoire’s first marine protected area

Location: Côte d'Ivoire
Area: 1,754,448 acres conserved
Threats: Encroachment from artisanal and commercial fisheries, bycatching
Area: 1,754,448 acres conserved
Threats: Encroachment from artisanal and commercial fisheries, bycatching
The Ivorian NGO Conservation des Especes Marines (CEM) was instrumental in establishing the Dodo River Community-Managed Natural Reserve with support from Rainforest Trust. The reserve covers 12,360 acres of coastal lagoons, mangroves and forests, as well as nesting beach habitat for marine turtles. But until recently, the marine ecosystem next to this area was neglected, making it vulnerable to increasing anthropogenic pressures.
Creation of a Bonobo Reserve in the Congo

Location: Congo Basic
Area: 93,907 acres conserved
Threats: Poaching for bushmeat and the pet trade
Area: 93,907 acres conserved
Threats: Poaching for bushmeat and the pet trade
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is home to the Congo rainforest and basin; the second largest tropical rainforest in the world. The Congo Basin has some of the highest biodiversity levels on Earth but is still one of the least protected and most vulnerable forests. As the DRC emerges from decades of political conflict, the country faces the challenge of protecting its most threatened ecosystems. But new laws offer communities the legal right to partner with conservation groups in managing their own forests. So conservationists now have the opportunity to save forests and protect wildlife while expanding community self-governance.
Creating the Red Panda Community Forest

Location: Red Panda Community Reserve, Nepal
Area: 430,050 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation, agricultural encroachment, poaching
Area: 430,050 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation, agricultural encroachment, poaching
Boasting dramatically diverse ecosystems, the eastern Himalayas encompass rich grasslands, subtropical rainforests, temperate broadleaf forests and rhododendron groves that ascend to alpine meadows. Due to its many microclimates and altitudinal gradients, a great variety of rare species such as the Red Panda and Chinese Pangolin call this area home. While many parts of the eastern Himalayas have been degraded by ongoing deforestation for agriculture, parts of eastern Nepal remain surprisingly intact.
Protecting the last great forests of Northern Borneo

Location: Sabah, Borneo
Area: 920,000 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation, uncontrolled forest burning
Area: 920,000 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation, uncontrolled forest burning
The rainforests of Sabah on the Malaysian portion of the Southeast Asian island of Borneo are among the most biodiverse in the tropics. However, the area’s numerous endemic and endangered species are at high risk due to habitat destruction caused by deforestation and agricultural conversion. To combat this threat, the government of Sabah has pledged to increase the protected areas from a current 23% to 30%, safeguarding nearly 1 million acres of rainforest over the next 4 years.
The Ocean Cleanup

Location: The Great Pacific garbage patch
Threats: Plastic pollution
Threats: Plastic pollution
Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, getting caught in a vortex of circulating currents. If no action is taken, the plastic will increasingly impact our ecosystems, health, and economies. The Ocean Cleanup project aim to clean up 90% of ocean plastic pollution by closing pollution sources and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean.
Saving indigenous lands in the Amazon

Location: Loreto and Ucayali Regions, Peru
Area: 6,102,946 acres conserved
Threats: Lack of land titles promotes the idea of "free land", logging, mining, oil and gas extraction and colonization for agriculture
Area: 6,102,946 acres conserved
Threats: Lack of land titles promotes the idea of "free land", logging, mining, oil and gas extraction and colonization for agriculture
The Loreto and Ucayali Regions are the two largest Amazon regions in Peru and are traditionally occupied and protected by indigenous groups. Unfortunately, hundreds of indigenous communities have no recognized ownership rights and their lands are under tremendous pressure from logging, agro-industries and colonists. Without the titles to their territories, native communities have no legal instrument to defend these lands from activities like logging and agricultural expansion.
Securing one of Madagascar’s Last Bastions of Biodiversity

Location: Madagascar
Area: 4,365 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation, logging, poaching
Area: 4,365 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation, logging, poaching
Between Marsabit National Park in Northern Kenya and Meru National Park in Central Kenya lies a historic migration route critical to the country’s emblematic and threatened species. Endangered African Wild Dogs, Grevy’s Zebra and Beisa Oryx all use the corridor, as do Vulnerable African Elephants and Lions. But this swath of savanna and shrubland is under increasing pressure from unsustainable resource use. As a result, habitat fragmentation and human-wildlife conflict threaten to disrupt the movement of key species across the landscape.
Expansion of the Cerro Chucantí Nature Reserve

Location: Darien, Eastern Panama
Area: 127 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation, conversion to pasture land
Area: 127 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation, conversion to pasture land
Cerro Chucantí, an isolated massif or “sky island” in eastern Panama, rises from sea level to 4,721 feet in elevation and sustains a diverse cloud forest, as well as other tropical forest ecosystems. The closest peaks with similar elevation and vegetation are found at least 90 miles away. The geographic isolation of the Cerro Chucantí mountaintop allows its flora and fauna to differentiate considerably such that it contains a number of locally endemic rainforest species found nowhere else on Earth. Unfortunately, the rainforests in Cerro Chucantí are under significant threat from slash and burn agriculture, logging and cattle ranching.
Expanding the Onepone Refuge for amphibians in Ghana

Location: Togo-Volta highlands, Ghana
Area: 1,319 acres conserved
Threats: Hunting pressure, deforestation
Area: 1,319 acres conserved
Threats: Hunting pressure, deforestation
Ghana’s Togo-Volta highlands harbour some of the last remaining forests in the Dahomey Gap, a savannah corridor separating the upper and lower Guinea forest. These remnant highland forests are home to many species isolated from the more expansive rainforests to the west and east, making them priority conservation sites. However, expanding human settlements, unsustainable farming and hunting threaten this forest habitat.
Securing a critical wildlife corridor in Kenya’s northern rangelands

Location: Kenya
Area: 3,200,000 acres conserved
Threats: Habitat fragmentation and degradation, wildlife poaching, conflict over resources
Area: 3,200,000 acres conserved
Threats: Habitat fragmentation and degradation, wildlife poaching, conflict over resources
Between Marsabit National Park in Northern Kenya and Meru National Park in Central Kenya lies a historic migration route critical to the country’s emblematic and threatened species. Endangered African Wild Dogs, Grevy’s Zebra and Beisa Oryx all use the corridor, as do Vulnerable African Elephants and Lions. But this swath of savanna and shrubland is under increasing pressure from unsustainable resource use. As a result, habitat fragmentation and human-wildlife conflict threaten to disrupt the movement of key species across the landscape.
Safeguarding Snow Leopard lakes of the Himalayas

Location: Tamur Valley and Watershed, Nepal
Area: 85,927 acres conserved
Threats: Road building, mining and hydropower interests, overgrazing, poaching
Area: 85,927 acres conserved
Threats: Road building, mining and hydropower interests, overgrazing, poaching
Nepal’s Tamur Valley and Watershed Key Biodiversity Area is a critical habitat for the Snow Leopard and their prey. Twelve large, high altitude lakes and over 200 smaller wetlands in Papung makes this location an indispensable stopping ground for Snow Leopard traversing the corridor. However, Papung is unprotected as it is not part of the National Parks network or the buffer zone area. This project will block any potential road construction into the lake region and the larger Red Panda habitat below Topkegol, a yak outpost. Without protecting these properties, a road could infiltrate 84,430 acres of prime Red Panda habitat, wetlands and lakes to the north. Blocking road construction also prevents mining and hydropower movement into this region. This purchase opens the door to declaring the entire 85,927 acres as a protected area, the ultimate outcome of this project.
Saving a stronghold for the critically endangered Bornean Orangutan

Location: Rungan River, Borneo
Area: 385,000 acres conserved
Threats: Draining of swamps, conversion to agriculture, forest fires
Area: 385,000 acres conserved
Threats: Draining of swamps, conversion to agriculture, forest fires
The Rungan River Peat Swamp Forest is a vast mosaic of threatened peat swamp and lowland rainforest in southern Borneo. Fruit-rich peat swamps support very high densities of Bornean Orangutans, and this area is home to 2,000 individuals (4 percent of the global population). The area also supports substantial populations of other imperiled endemic species such as the Endangered Bornean White-bearded Gibbon and Proboscis Monkey as well as the rare Flat-headed Cat and the bizarre Otter Civet.
Strategic land purchase in Colombia

Location: El Dorado Nature Reserve, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Area: 12,179 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation for pasturelands and coffee plantations
Area: 12,179 acres conserved
Threats: Deforestation for pasturelands and coffee plantations
On Colombia’s Caribbean shores stands the highest coastal mountain on earth. The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is a corrugated pyramid of rock that rises almost four miles high. This ancient massif that dates back to the Jurassic period contains a microcosm of the entire planet from deserts to rainforest to glaciers with an extraordinary diversity of plants and animals found nowhere else. It is regarded as the planet’s single most important site for threatened and endemic biodiversity, as it boasts the highest concentration of endemic bird species in the world. As a result, the prestigious journal Science dubbed the area the “Most Irreplaceable Site on Earth” and a major priority for biodiversity conservation.
Sanctuary for the Scalloped Hammerheads of Golfo Dulce in Costa Rica

Location: Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
Area: 172,974 acres conserved
Threats: Fishery exploitation
Area: 172,974 acres conserved
Threats: Fishery exploitation
One of four tropical fjords in the world, the unique ecosystem of Golfo Dulce in Costa Rica provides critical nursery habitat for Scalloped Hammerheads. These coastal waters support a wide diversity of fish, which in turn provide sustenance for newborn sharks. This area is also home to Endangered Whale Sharks and Critically Endangered Hawksbill Turtles. Fishery exploitation has led to a drastic decline in the shark’s population during the past few decades.
Urgent land purchase for Spix’s Macaw

Location: Curaçá, Brazil
Area: 6,082 acres conserved
Threats: Overgrazing, erosion, commercial mining, poaching
Area: 6,082 acres conserved
Threats: Overgrazing, erosion, commercial mining, poaching
The brilliantly blue Critically Endangered Spix’s Macaw is one of the world’s rarest birds. Heavy degradation from goat grazing of the Spix’s Macaws preferred habitat in the arid caatinga of northeastern Brazil and intense poaching pressure for the pet trade led to the species becoming extinct in the wild in 2000. Luckily, a growing population of this bird lives in captivity and a sophisticated captive breeding and release program is almost ready to begin. But, for this reintroduction to succeed, the macaws need a new protected area for feeding and nesting within the last known suitable habitat.
Greater protection for Cameroon's Atlantic Rainforest

Location: Douala-Edea, Cameroon
Area: 345,800 acres conserved
Threats: Habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching
Area: 345,800 acres conserved
Threats: Habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching
Shaggy rainforests, long snaking rivers and lush wetlands characterize Cameroon’s coastal Atlantic forests. Within this ecoregion sits the Douala-Edea Wildlife Reserve, created in 1932 and recently identified as one of the most important conservation landscapes in Central Africa. The reserve’s forests are home to several threatened primates including Chimpanzees, Gabon Black Monkeies and African Forest Elephants. The reserve’s labyrinth wetlands and marine habitats are a haven for birdlife and threatened marine species.
Saving the lost forest of Madagascar

Location: Ihosy, Madagascar
Area: 3,460 acres conserved
Threats: Fires, deforestation
Area: 3,460 acres conserved
Threats: Fires, deforestation
The “Lost Forest” has been isolated from the eastern rainforests and western dry forests of Madagascar for hundreds of years. This secluded rainforest sits atop an extraordinary mega quartz massif unlike any other geological feature for hundreds of miles, which may contribute to its unique flora and fauna. In late 2016, Rainforest Trust and National Geographic funded a series of scientific expeditions – the first of their kind – into this biodiverse section of the African island. This expedition discovered numerous species potentially new to science and others that were previously known to occur in completely different habitat types.
Expanding a key tiger stronghold in Malaysia

Location: Terengganu, Malaysia
Area: 248,927 acres conserved
Threats: Habitat loss due to logging, poaching
Area: 248,927 acres conserved
Threats: Habitat loss due to logging, poaching
Estimated at more than 130 million years old, the last major stand of lowland dipterocarp forest on the Malay Peninsula lies within and adjacent to Taman Negara National Park, making this one of the most important protected areas in Southeast Asia. This park and surrounding landscape are home to a globally significant tiger population in addition to other threatened species such as Sunda Pangolins, Asian Elephants, Asian Tapirs, Dholes and White-handed Gibbons.
Saving the heart of Nantu

Location: Sulawesi, Indonesia
Area: 15,267 acres conserved
Threats: Slash-and-burn clearance, oil palm plantation, poaching, illegal gold mining
Area: 15,267 acres conserved
Threats: Slash-and-burn clearance, oil palm plantation, poaching, illegal gold mining
To conserve Sulawesi’s endemic species through a strategic expansion, Rainforest Trust and partner Yayasan Adudu Nantu International (YANI) are aiming to add 15,267 acres to the existing 127,289-acre Nantu Wildlife Sanctuary via a long-term lease and a land purchase. This purchase and lease will safeguard the gateway to this threatened sanctuary, as the area is a key access point for illegal loggers, gold-miners and slash-and-burn farmers aiming to encroach into the heart of Nantu.
New safe haven for Matschie’s Tree-kangaroo

Location: Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea
Area: 195,759 acres conserved
Threats: Tropical montane rainforest and cloud forest
Area: 195,759 acres conserved
Threats: Tropical montane rainforest and cloud forest
Having evolved for life in the dense tree canopy of the Huon Peninsula’s mountainous cloud forests, the Tree-kangaroos are supremely adapted to their environment. Sharp claws help them with climbing and a long tail acts as a counterweight for balance. Meanwhile, thick chestnut-coloured fur insulates against the damp and camouflages against predators. Unforunately, Matshcie’s Tree-kangaroos are endangered by hunting and habitat loss. Due to their impressive ability to blend into their surroundings and their canopy-high dwellings, these amazing animals are difficult to reach. However, through pioneering innovative research, we are becoming more aware of the Tree-kangaroo and understanding how to protect them.